August 24, 2022

LinkedIn users have been using PDF attachments to create individual frames that mimic the popular carousel posting style of Instagram for some time. While this creative application was a great example of a user-based platform hack, it was time for the platform itself to catch up. Recently LinkedIn announced their new ‘Carousel’ post option to add to its user’s set of tools, making it a more complete and powerful way to share updates with followers. By running through the carousel creation process, users can choose multiple still images and/or video clips to add to their post. Complement imagery with text all within the platform’s carousel builder. LinkedIn has announced that it is currently testing this new feature with the hopes it will allow creators to share knowledge in a more visual way.

When we look at platform innovation on a broader scale, it’s clear to see LinkedIn has been making waves in evolving its product offering and positioning as a social-focused platform. Creators have been benefiting from higher levels of organic distribution on the platform vs the more entrenched and established players (looking at you Zuck). This boosted distribution has prompted more users to create more content, driving more value for passive users. While LinkedIn is distinctly positioned away from Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram, it is still benefiting from the playbook that paved the way. Facebook was an organic-only platform in its early years, gradually adjusting the ratio of distribution from organic to paid impressions as they delivered more value for brands and businesses. Leaning into organic content distribution during a time when the social networks have all but turned off the tap is a crucial step differentiating the reason for being on LinkedIn.

If you’re a brand or business, have you set up your LinkedIn page? Even as an individual you can take advantage of the high level of organic content distribution and lean into the innovation of Carousels to cut through the clutter. Like we’ve seen historically, often new post types come with preferential distribution as the platform tries to incentivize experimentation. So get out there, craft your carousels and see what LinkedIn can unlock for you.